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Working in Partnership

A strong partnership between home and school is vital if children are going to succeed and gain the most from their day.  Parents are the first educators of their children and we value their contribution and feedback.

Open door policy

At St. Thomas a Becket Catholic Primary School we have an “Open Door” policy.  This means that parents are welcome to come and see the Head Teacher at any time during the school day, they do not need to have an appointment.  Mr. Beverton is usually in the playground at the start of the day. If parents want to ensure that Mr Beverton is available at a particular time, they are encouraged to make an appointment with the office staff. 

Teachers are available to parents at the end of the school day.  Parents are invited to check with office staff first who will locate the member of staff requested. 


Good communication is vital if we are going to work in partnership.  Parents are asked to ring the school to talk to a teacher if they have concerns or if they prefer, may write a note and the member of staff concerned will contact them.  A good rule to follow is, if a matter is causing concern to you or your child please let us know – we would like to know about it and we may well be able to help!

Newsletters are given to all children each term. These will give parents details of the main events that are going on and provide useful prompts and reminders. Flyers are also sent via the children advertising specific events, so we encourage all parents to check their child’s school bag regularly. Additionally, text message is used to alert parents to last minute changes and to remind them of key events in the calendar.

Parent’s evenings

There are planned parent’s evenings throughout the year when appointment slots may be book with teachers.  These are in October and March.  There are also opportunities to look at children’s work.  Dates and times are notified in school newsletters.  If parents would like to see their children’s work at other times please ask the teachers and they will be happy to show you. Each child is given a written report in July and parents are encouraged to make an appointment to discuss this with class teachers.

Open Day

Each year KS1 holds 2 open days and KS2 holds an open morning.  This is usually in November and the dates are advertised in school and parish newsletters.  Parents are shown around by the Head Teacher, members of staff or governors.  It is an ideal opportunity to visit the school and see a normal working day


Our Parents Teachers and Friends Association run a number of events throughout the year.  These are social events for children and parents and also raise valuable funds for our school.  These change from year to year but include:

  • Christmas, Easter and Summer Fairs
  • Discos for children
  • Firework party
  • Social evenings for parents

Being a member of the committee and helping with PTFA events is an excellent way of getting more involved and meeting other parents.

Home/school reading

Each child is given a Reading Record at the start of the year to record their reading at home.  We place great emphasis on reading and encourage all parents to read with their children daily and sign the Reading Record. These are checked by class teachers each week and by the Head Teacher each term.  Stickers and awards are given during the year to children who show that they read regularly at home and book prizes are awarded at the end of the year to children who have kept it up.


Children in Key Stages 1 and 2 are set homework each week appropriate to their age and stage of development.  This is to consolidate class work, ensure new concepts have been learnt, encourage children to work independently and to practise skills. 

Below is a revised overview of homework for each year group:



Spelling Lists

Home Learning Book



Year 1


Spelling Lists

Weekly Phonics



Year 2


Spelling Lists

Maths/English Written Task

(alternate weeks)


Project (Optional)

Year 3


Spelling Lists

Mental Maths Book


Project (Optional)

Year 4


Spelling Book

Mental Maths Book

My Maths (Times Tables)

Project (Optional

Year 5


Spelling Book

Maths/Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling Written Task

My Maths


Year 6


Spelling Book

Maths and Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling Written Task

My Maths

Science Project (Optional)

  Parents are encouraged to support our homework policy and talk with class teachers if difficulties are experienced.

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